The Path of Shadow
The Dusk Lord's Path
After staying the night with the lizardfolk, the Party decided on
a brief detour to the nearest village, Monksblade,
to resupply, after which they headed back to the Lost Refuge. They
left the bodies of the slain they had been supposed to rescue
under Kessessek's care the cleric promising Erik to cast gentle
repose on them until they were able to facilitate their
After staying the night They arrived more or less safely after
dealing with a couple of hungry, though over-ambitious,
crocodiles, to find the lizardfolk had occupied the Keep.
After a brief discussion with Kessessek, who gave them a wand of
cure light wounds they passed through the black sphere,
finding themselves in a hall much like the one they had just left,
albeit a more ruined version! A heavy oppressive gloom filled the
area and the three lanterns in the room barely illuminated it.
Shadows seemed to gather in the corners of the room and all
colours were washed out to a grey monochrome. The portal through
which they had just passed was a glowing white orb from this side.
Most of the hall was in severe disrepair though a sturdy iron
door, analogue of the one in the other keep proved an impassible
barrier - the key in the lock not turning.
Cautiously they began exploring this shadow version of the Lost Refuge, finding a lizardfolk prisoner held in this place's version of the Gatehouse. After slaying his guards and freeing him, they led him back to the portal. Before leaving he volunteered the information that lizarfolk prisoners who came through the portal were normally taken to the shadowscale village to the north while other prisoners were taken by boat through the swamp. He also warned them the shadowsacale guards were frightened to enter the northern tower.
Spurred on by this Erik began seeking a route into the northern tower, but unlike the version of the keep they knew there was no external door. Eventually they used their chime of opening to bypass the iron door where on entering Erik was immediately attacked by a ghirrash, a four armed vaguely tiger-like being who nearly killed the paladin before they managed to surround and slay it.
On the upper level of the tower they found a mysterious throne guarded by shadow elementals, but although Garan sat on it once the elementals were slain, although shadows briefly swirled around his head, it seemed to have no other effect.
After a brief discussion about whether to head to the shadowscale village or to try and follow the route taken by those they had been sent to rescue, the decided to follow their primary mission and headed to the jetty.
There was boat moored to the jetty which appeared to be "powered" by four orc skeleton rowers. As they approached they were confronted by a shadar-kai who asked who had sent them. When Erik replied that they had come for the prisoners he immediately cast-off. Calita leaped onto the fo'c'sle, only to be attacked by a dusk beast sleeping there. Meanwhile, after a brief detour via the swamp, Garan and Erik hauled themselves onto the boat and engaged the shadar-kai boatman in combat, swiftly slaying him.The Shadow Swamp
The Party quickly secured the boat, disposing of the dusk beast.
The quickly searched the cabin where they found a hidden chest
that as well as containing a fair amount of coin also held an
amulet that let them control the Necreme's undead oarsmen.
Somewhat unsteadily the Necreme moved out, with Erik at the tiller and Garan standing on the
fo'c'sle peering through the darkness and mist for the beacon lanterns that marked the
navigable channel through the swamp. Their
progress improved a bit when Calita took a turn at the tiller, as she
seemed to have more of an aptiyude for boat handling.
Erik moved to take up a guard position forward. After about an hour of slow moving through the swamp the boat jarred to a sudden stop throwing Calita and Garan off their feet and sending Erik tumbling into the swamp water. The water in front of the Necreme exploded as a behemoth surged to the surface - some kind of mammoth undead turtle. Huge three--clawed paws of rotting flesh slammed down on the front of the boat.
Calita grabbed a rope and tossed it to the swiftly sinking paladin, dragging him aboard as Garan stood off the undead monstrosity. The zombie dragon turtle proved a formidable opponent following underwater and occasionally rising up ant attacking as Garan order the skeletal oarsmen to make all speed away. Eventually they managed to destroy the rotting creature and resume their journey more or less peacefully through the shadow swamp.
Eventually they passed the last of the beacons and arrived at a wooden dock from which a path led up a short steep bluff into the darkness where low briar-covered hills sloped up from the shore. The path led to a ruined compound built up the hillside barely lit by a handful of torches. Making their way up a steep staircase that ascended the hillside they were attacked by a couple of kir-lanan guards who swooped down on them out of the darkness, hitting Erik and Garan with a ray of enfeeblement as an opening to the combat.
Despite this impediment the Party swiftly despatched the guards and moved on into the compound finding somewhat unexpectedly a chapel dedicated to Cyric. The chapel was guarded by a gloom golem. Fortunately for the Party Erik's longsword seemed particularily effective against the creature and once they gloom golem was disposed off they moved through the complex, quickly cutting their way through some guards, their their guard-dog, a howler, and a tiefling warlock.The Priory
Pressing on through the complex, the Party found their way out onto the exterior of the ruin, finding a twisting pathway that led to a staircase cut into the face of the bluff the ruined monastery was build on. The trial blended into the shadowy terrain until it was swallowed by darkness. Looking down at the trial, Garan got the sense of a vast openness, a void that was a disturbing contrast to the sense of confinement they had felt since entering this plane. Looking up they could see another building higher up the hillside, faint lantern light gleamed through its narrow windows.Erik led the way up the staircase that led to the main entrance to the upper building, while Garan worked his way round the hillside to a side entrance. The heavy iron-bound doors were locked. Garn began smashing his way through the side door while Calita used her chime of opening to open the main one. Erik immediately charged in attacking the two guards. A cleric of Cyric joined the fray , summoning hellhounds to support her guards, while Gran continued to smash his way through the side door. After a nasty little fight, eventually the Party were victorious.
Searching the body of the cleric Erik found an intriguing partially completed note:
Greetings from your bloody hand, Skull Servant Ethar. As expected, the Sharrans hide their secrets well, but I did discover something that might lead us to understanding their ultimate plan. We aid them in their ritual to create a field of dead magic over the Vast Swamp. Obviously, this is to their advantage as only Shadow magic works within these spaces, but claiming the swamp as a base of operations seems foolish. This incongruity bothered me, and I prayed to the Black Sun to grant me knowledge of their plans. I received no vision, but while living here in one of their old monasteries I discovered the piece of parchment I’ve attached with this letter, praise be to Cyric. I believe it to be the writings of a monk that once lived in the Monastery of the Ebon Dome.
It seems the Sharrans have a secret Roll of Years. Of its origin or accuracy, I can say nothing, but some names seem uncannily close to the history we have witnessed – perhaps even more so than those penned by the Lost Sage, Augathra the Mad. You can see that the Black Chronology seems to span a mere 34 years, but perhaps there is more not revealed by this scrap of parchment. Reading the “Book of the Black” might explain more and tell us what the Sharrans truly plan.
I could not find more writings like this one despite a week of searching. I made subtle inquiries with the Sharrans and Despayr. Despayr seemed to know nothing, but with his kind, it is always hard to tell. The other Sharrans said they did not know what I meant, but talked about how the monks at this monastery went mad – but I sensed some wariness in their postures.
I think we need to find this Book of the Black and...
There we little else of interest in the ruined monastery so the Party decided to rest up.
Next morning before taking the mysterious path heading into the void, the Party decided to return and rescue the captive lizardfolk they had been told of, and returned to the shadow keep by boat. They took the path northwards which led to the shadowscale warren, which they arrived at after about an hour of walking.
The entrance to the warren, a great mound of tree trunks and debris held together by swamp mud, was guarded by a simple wicker gate which the Party got through with ease. Three shadowscale marauders guarded the entrance, which were swiftly dealt with, though Garan was badly wounded in the battle. Moving deeper through the dank muddy twisting tunnels of the warren led them to a large irregular chamber that was the lair of a banelar. The banelar proved a difficult foe to overcome but eventually it was slain.
The Shadowscale Warchief
Passing through the concealed door Calita had found,, the Party discovered a short passageway that led to the outside of the warren. Garan scouted round the outside discovering another entrance with a wicker gate. Cutting their way through they found themselves under attack by a shambling mound, some shocker lizards and a centipede swarm - all at once!
Surrounded by enemies, it was touch and go for a while but eventually, helped by a flaming sphere from Calita, they Party survived the mass assault, though many charges from their dwindling supply of healing wands. As Garan moved deeper into the complex he found that their recent battle had seemingly alerted the occupants and he came under attack by javelins from the dark as he cam up against another wicker gate. Swiftly cutting his way through he found himself in the centre of the warren confronted by two shadowscale marauders, one of whom release a captive knell beetle from its cage, which immediate unleashed an unearthly screech that hit him and Erik who had moved up in support.
Another furious battle ensued, made worse when the shadowscale's
chief, a blackscale leaped into the combat, his massive greatsword
cutting a swathe through them. Once again the Party struggled against
what initially felt like overwhelming odds. Both Erik and Garan were
nearly killed and Calita badly injured before their opponents were
finally slain. The last of the shadowscales destroyed, the Party
searched the rest of the warren finding some treasure and the lizardfolk
captives they had sought.